Book Review: An Abundance of Katherines -and- Paper Towns by John Green

An Abundance of Katherines: John Green

I was so excited to finally read a John Green book. I started watching his and his brother’s videos on Youtube a few months ago and I’ve become an instant fan. He seems like the most awesome person ever and if I was a little kid I would say I want to be John Green when I grow up (except a chic). So the fact that I could kind of see who he was as a person before I read his book made me like the book even more. As far as I can tell it seems like among his readers this is their least favorite book of his. But it’s actually my favorite. Granted I’ve only read two of his four (I think four) books. But I liked it more than Paper Towns, which people rant about (not that I didn’t like Paper Towns, I just liked Katherines better). I thought this book was fun and creative and it kept me interested. The characters were fascinating and likable without being one dimensional. Plus I’m a fan of happy endings.

Paper Towns: John Green

I really liked this book. It didn’t exactly live up to my expectations, only because I heard a lot of hype about it, but it was still a good read. At times I felt it was too repetitive and I thought the ending was a bit anti-climatic. But the book was really rich in metaphors and while I didn’t love the ending I felt it was the appropriate ending. This book kind of made me think about metaphors differently. This was the first time that I thought that I might be able to write a story with metaphors. Before reading this I thought I just didn’t have that skill, but I was able to identify the metaphors in this book whereas I usually have to have them pointed out to me. So while it didn’t have me smiling like a loon at the end it really inspired me. I will definitely read any book by John Green that I can get my hands on.

Book Review: Burned by Ellen Hopkins

            I have passed many Ellen Hopkins books in the library thinking “I will rent that next time”, and I just finally got around to it. I actually picked up Burned thinking it was an entirely different book, but once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down.

            This book is a very quick read, but that doesn’t mean it’s lighthearted or simple. Throughout the whole book emotions are stirred and beliefs are tested. Honestly, I’m exhausted after just finishing, but I don’t want to go to sleep right away.

            This book is heavy, to put it modestly. At parts I love the main character for her boldness and ability to be strong in the hardest of situations, but at other times I cringe at her bad decisions. But that’s part of the reason this book feels so real, everyone has faults.

            I’m not exactly good at delving into books and finding hidden meanings and metaphors, but I would venture to say that one theme this book explores is how people are molded by their surroundings. Whether those surroundings are family members, peers, nature, or government testing of nuclear bombs.

            I really enjoyed Burned, even though it’s left me shaking. I liked the realness and honesty, and the always questioning protagonist. I can’t say I liked everything, but not everything is meant to be liked. I would whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read something that will leave them thinking (and possibly crying). However, I cannot honestly say that I will ever read another Ellen Hopkins book. Maybe it’s just too heavy for me.

Book Review: All American Girl by Meg Cabot

All American Girl & Ready or Not by Meg Cabot

            I was excited to read a Meg Cabot book finally. I’ve seen lots of her books at the library, and I’m not sure why I never picked one up, but I thought it was time. Ready or Not (RoN) is the sequel to All American Girl (AAG).

            I enjoyed reading AAG, but it was a bit of a disappointment. I didn’t feel that the book had much depth and it was rather predictable. I got a bit bored at parts, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ending (which is why I wanted to read the sequel). I would recommend this to someone who wants a nice lighthearted book that will leave them smiling.

            However, I would not recommend RoN. Maybe it’s just me and my way of thinking, but I felt that this book was slow, predictable, a bit boring, and I was disappointed with the ending. There were definitely some funny parts and some really interesting parts, but in the end I just didn’t really like it very much.